Music > Instrument

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Hōkyō (方響) [ris] Shōko (鉦皷) [shk] Shakubyōshi (笏拍子) [shb]
Armonica [arm] 1 Taiko (太皷) [tai] Kakko (鞨皷) [kak]
Ōtsuzumi (大鼓) [ots] 1 Kotsuzumi (小鼓) [kts] Kin (琴) [kin]
Sō (筝) [soh] Biwa (琵琶) [bwa] Kugo (箜篌) [kug]
Kokyū (胡弓) [kok] Shamisen (三味線) [sha] Violin [vn] 64
Viola [va] 15 Violoncello [vc] 26 Contrabass [ctb] 1
Lute [lut] 4 Guitar [cit] 1 Harp [har] 1
Harpsichord [cym] 37 Clavichord [cla] 8 Piano [pf] 157
Kagurabue (神楽笛) [kag] Azuma'asobibue (東遊笛) [azu] Komabue (高麗笛) [kom]
Ryūteki (龍笛) [ryu] Nōkan (能管) [nok] 3 Shinobue (篠笛) [shi]
Shakuhachi (尺八) [sha] Hichiriki (篳篥) [hck] Haishō (排簫) [hsh]
Shō/U (笙・竽) [sho] Flute [tib] 13 Recorder [tbr]
Oboe [ob] 4 Bassoon [fg] 2 Clarinet [cl] 3
Trumpet [trb] Horn [cor] 6 Organ [org] 23
Rōei (朗詠) [roei] Utai (謡) [utai] 11 Hayashi (囃子) [haya]
Shite (シテ) [shit] 3 Waki (ワキ) [waki] 1 Ado (アド) [ado] 2
Soprano [sup] 13 Mezzo-soprano [mes] 1 Contralto [alt] 2
Tenor [ten] 10 Baritone [bar] 5 Bass [bas] 4
Conductor [dux] 269 Choir [chor] 88 Orchestra [orch] 176
Consort [cons] 31

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